P. Poitras-Jarrett Original Art Please Contact For Exibition Enquiries - metisspiritart@gmail.com
January 16, 2024 0 Comments
Métis Spirit
The blooming apple tree signifies fresh starts and the abundance of life's blessings. The apples, although not yet fully matured, will provide nourishment for families. The presence of hummingbirds represents pure delight and happiness, contributing to the overall sense of celebration conveyed through the lively Métis fiddle playing and dancing. The tree's roots symbolize our ancestors who came before us and continue to support our community as we strive to be present for one another. Within the painting, you can find intricate Métis beadwork designs, with a single real bead hidden among them. This gesture serves as a reminder that only the Creator can create something truly perfect, and it guards against arrogance and excessive pride. These misplaced or differently colored beads are often referred to as "Spirit beads." The infinity symbolism suggests that we will always be there for each other, as we take great pride in our vibrant culture and nurturing spirit.
November 08, 2024 0 Comments
Welcome to Métis Spirit Art
Métis Spirit Art and Design
P. Poitras-Jarrett